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[Three.js] 개발환경구성 해보기


이런것들을 해보고싶다.


SDU - Future Education

This nano module consists of classic newspaper publications in media history. Namely, the edition of Politiken, published on Tuesday the 14th of November, 1905. The newspaper is well known, among other things, because Georg Brandes stubbornly denies ever b




Faraday Future - FF 91 VR

FF 91 VR - Experience Faraday Future's 3D simulation of their flagship vehicle: FF 91


1. Visual Studio Code (최신버전 받아줌)



Visual Studio Code - Code Editing. Redefined

Visual Studio Code is a code editor redefined and optimized for building and debugging modern web and cloud applications.  Visual Studio Code is free and available on your favorite platform - Linux, macOS, and Windows.


2. Three.js 라이브러리 다운로드

1) 그냥 다운로드 하는 방식

https://threejs.org/             =>  download링크 클릭 


Three.js – JavaScript 3D Library



three.js-master > build


three.js : 일반적인 라이브러리

three.min.js : 압축버전

three.module.js : 모듈방식으로 개발할 수 있는 라이브러리 => 이걸 사용할 거임. 


three.js-master > examples (예제들도 많이 있음)

CDN 방식으로 불러오는 법?

<script type="module">

  // Find the latest version by visiting https://cdn.skypack.dev/three.

  import * as THREE from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/three@<version>';

  const scene = new THREE.Scene();



2) npm으로 다운로드 (node.js 먼저 설치하는건 기본)


three.js docs



npm install --save three


3) boilerplate 사용 


GitHub - aakatev/three-js-webpack: Boilerplate for Three JS project

Boilerplate for Three JS project. Contribute to aakatev/three-js-webpack development by creating an account on GitHub.


요고 사용. 폴더 하나 만들어서 터미널에서 아래와 같이 쳐주자.

git clone https://github.com/aakatev/three-js-webpack.git

npm i
npm run start

